Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Thank you Mr. Paul for bringing the little push this afternoon!! 45 minutes on the elliptical--so not how I wanted to spend my evening--but I feel so good about myself right now! I'm sweaty and I smell, but I feel great!
What did I eat today??
raisin bran and skim milk
pretzel chips
a peaches and cream parfait (it's low fat--actually it's surprisingly good)
1/2 grilled chicken breast
Caesar salad with orzo and a little bacon--low fat dressing
steamed green beans

Oh Happy Day!! I'm going to be skinny!! Well, not skinny--average I'd say. I don't think I can pull off skinny.
So speaking of skinny--there's this girl in my chemistry class--I hate her. I barely know her, but yet I hate her. She EATS from the time class starts until we leave. She goes out in the hall during lab to eat because we can't have food in the lab. And you know where I'm headed with this, right?? Yeah--she's about a size 0. Her jacket today was an XXS. I didn't even know they made XXS. She (and her metabolism) can lick the sweat from my eyeballs. Which incidentally are currently sweating.
So Erin and I are "game on" for getting skinny and hot. I say "bring it" sister.
And Chris informs me that Sean and Emmy have thrown down similarly, although I wasn't aware. And I don't think Emmy needs to lose weight, but then again, I've never seen her naked. Unfortunately, after my "got into Nursing school" drunken escapade she can't say the same. Apparently I showed everyone my boobs. Sorry about that.
So I'm going to give it a few days before I weigh in. Let's say Monday for the weigh in. I'll let you know how it goes. I'm just hoping to be back to what I had lost before--I think I was at 223, I'll have to consult my mirror--that's where I write my weight.
Thanks for listening!

1 comment:

  1. No need to apologize! They were nice boobs and there is never a need to apologize for sharing nice boobs. Also, you were really just showing your gorgeous bra as there was no nipple. They could totally show that on daytime cable!
